akYtec PR200 Prototype V1
Short overview to get started with the akYtec PR200 Prototype
Prototype features
The akYtec PR200 prototype comes with the following functionality:
2 digital outputs (DO1 and DO2 on the PR200)
2 analog inputs (AI1 and AI2 on the PR200) (currently 0-10V)
Digital outputs can be monitored and controlled (switched) via the OneIoT Cloud and Dashboard.
Analog inputs can be monitored via the OneIoT Cloud and Dashboard.
It is easy to extend this functionality via the Instrument Driver.
Quick Start Guide
Connect the OneIoT Gateway via USB Micro B connector (5 Volts)
Make sure you only connect 5 Volts DC to the Gateway.
Connect the RJ45 Jack of the OneIoT Gateway to a LAN which provides access to internet
In some LANs outgoing ports might be blocked. In case the device will not connect to the cloud, you need to open ports 8883 for MQTTs-Connection and 9090 for Over-The-Air Updates.
Connect the OneIoT Gateway to the device via Modbus. A+ (green wire) has to be connected to the D+ port of the PR200 and B- (blue wire) has to be connected to the D- port of the PR200. Use the first (left most) RS485 interface of the PR200.
For the prototype, make sure the RS485 connector of the OneIoT Gateway is connected to the OneIoT Gateway (all for wires should be connected).
Connect some analog inputs or digital outputs.
Connect 24V DC power supply to the PR200 power input. Also, consult the PR200 manual for more details or in case of any doubts.
Make sure you never connect >24V DC to the PR200 power input.
Login to the OneIoT Dashboard.
In case the OneIoT Gateway is not connected to your account yet, see here how to link new devices.
If the OneIoT Gateway is connected and linked to your account, it will be shown as online (green circle) in the device list.
In case the gateway is not shown in the list, you need to link it to your account first. If it is shown in the list but does not appear to be online (grey circle), check the power connection and make sure that the gateway can connect to the internet via the LAN.
If the OneIoT Gateway is online, you can create or modify your own dashboard.
The PR200 prototype showcase
There is a small ALP program running on the PR200. It has the following responsibilities:
The PR200 is in Modbus Slave-Mode and available via address 16.
The network variables Eingang1 and Eingang2 are mapped to register 512 and 513, respectively.
Eingang1 and Eingang2 are connected to the digital output Q1 and Q2, respectively.
Analog inputs are made available by default via Modbus as described in the PR200 manual.
Analog input 1 is shown in the PR200 display.
The demo program is included on the USB stick.
In the OneIoT Cloud there is a so called Device Template for the PR200. This template describes the device in the cloud. The mapping is based on the OneIoT Digital Twin concept. Variables are mapped to so called Items:
OneIoT Item
Analog Input 1 (Item 1)
Analog Input 2 (Item 2)
Relais 1 (Item 3)
Relais 2 (Item 4)
The Device Template can then be used to define Dashboards.
The Device Template can be changed and extended at anytime. The Instrument Driver, which can also be changed at runtime (e.g., by the user or by OneIoT) is responsible to fetch the data from the PR200 and forward it to the cloud via the defined items.
There is already a OneIoT Dashboard for this showcase.
Custom driver to support every possible use case
A Instrument Driver is responsible for the communication between OneIoT Gateway and PR200.
The Instrument Driver can also be adapted at runtime!
In the future, there will be an easier to use Domain Specific Language for Modbus-based drivers.
The current prototype instrument driver is given below. It just fetches some values via Modbus every 30 seconds and sends them to the cloud. Furthermore, incoming commands from the OneIoT Cloud, that is, switching one of the relays are mapped to the corresponding Modbus commands and send to the PR200.
This code can easily extended to read all registers from the PR200 or to write and read all network variables. Furthermore, I can be adapted to specific use cases. For example, sensor readings can be evaluated and aggregated and complex logic can be implemented here.
OneIoT provides support in writing instrument drivers.
Mobus Settings
PR200 modbus settings:
16 (decimal) = 0x10 (hex)
Stop Bits
Data Bits
1.) Device does not show up online in the Device Cloud, there is only a grey circle!
Check your connection, make sure all necessary outgoing ports are open (9090, 8883, 80, 443). Make sure, the device has access to the internet. In case you are using a mobile connection, make sure you have sufficient radio reception. You can also move the gateway to another location to check reception issues.
2.) Device does not show up at all!
You need to onboard the device first.
3.) Device seems to be online (green circle) but I can see no Dashboard!
Option 1: Go to another device page, for example the Debugging Page and then back to the Dashboard. If the Dashboard does not show up then, you have not created one yet (see Option 2). Option 2: Create a new Dashboard.
4.) Device seems to be online (green circle) but I don't receive any data!
Option 1: Refresh (Press F5 on the keyboard) the Dashboard. Option 2: If you can not see any data, even though you know some sensor readings should have been received, make sure your mapping (Device Template) to the items is correct (i.e., the Dashboard displays the right data in the widgets). Option 3: If mapping is correct and data should be received but is not shown in the cloud, make sure your physical connection is correct. Test the OneIoT Gateway or your device also with another device or Modbus master, respectively.
Last updated
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